


    <name>aliyun private nexus</name>
    <name>jfrog private maven library</name>


         * Create a Gearman instance
        Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();
        try {
             * Start a new job server. The resulting server will be running in
             * the local address space.
             * Parameter 1: The port number to listen on
             * throws IOException
            GearmanServer server = gearman

             * Create a gearman worker. The worker poll jobs from the server and
             * executes the corresponding GearmanFunction
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
             * If an exception occurs, make sure the gearman service is shutdown
            // forward exception
            throw ioe;

这里注意有一个重载的public GearmanServer startGearmanServer(int port, GearmanPersistence persistence),通过它可以将提交的任务持久化,即使Gearman服务端重启,提交的任务还是可以还原的


Gearman里提交任务有两种方式:非backgroud提交方式、background提交方式。简单来说非backgroud提交方式是一种同步提交方式,客户端提交任务后保持一个长连接,通过这个长连接可以从执行的Function中获得中间任务数据;而background提交方式是一种异步提交方式,客户端提交任务后获得一个jobHandle, 后面都通过jobHandle获取执行Function的任务状态。


         * Create a Gearman instance
        Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();
         * Create a new gearman client.
         * The client is used to submit requests the job server.
        GearmanClient client = gearman.createGearmanClient();
         * Create the job server object. This call creates an object represents
         * a remote job server.
         * Parameter 1: the host address of the job server.
         * Parameter 2: the port number the job server is listening on.
         * A job server receives jobs from clients and distributes them to
         * registered workers.
        GearmanServer server = gearman.createGearmanServer(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_HOST, EchoWorker.ECHO_PORT);
         * Tell the client that it may connect to this server when submitting
         * jobs.
         * Submit a job to a job server.
         * Parameter 1: the gearman function name
         * Parameter 2: the data passed to the server and worker
         * The GearmanJobReturn is used to poll the job's result
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        json.put("name", "admin");
        GearmanJobReturn jobReturn = client.submitJob(
         * Iterate through the job events until we hit the end-of-file
        byte[] jobHandle = null;
        while (!jobReturn.isEOF()) {

            // Poll the next job event (blocking operation)
            GearmanJobEvent event = jobReturn.poll();

            switch (event.getEventType()) {
                // success
                case GEARMAN_JOB_SUCCESS: // Job completed successfully
                    // print the result
                    System.out.println(new String(event.getData()));
                case GEARMAN_SUBMIT_SUCCESS:
                    // get job handle
                    jobHandle = event.getData();
                case GEARMAN_JOB_DATA:
                    // print job data
                    System.out.println(new String(event.getData()));
                // failure
                case GEARMAN_SUBMIT_FAIL: // The job submit operation failed
                case GEARMAN_JOB_FAIL: // The job's execution failed
                    System.err.println(event.getEventType() + ": "
                            + new String(event.getData()));

         * Close the gearman service after it's no longer needed. (closes all
         * sub-services, such as the client)
         * It's suggested that you reuse Gearman and GearmanClient instances
         * rather recreating and closing new ones between submissions
    public static void main(String... args) {



    public static void registWorker(){
         * Create a Gearman instance
        Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();

         * Create the job server object. This call creates an object represents
         * a remote job server.
         * Parameter 1: the host address of the job server.
         * Parameter 2: the port number the job server is listening on.
         * A job server receives jobs from clients and distributes them to
         * registered workers.
        GearmanServer server = gearman.createGearmanServer(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_HOST, EchoWorker.ECHO_PORT);

         * Create a gearman worker. The worker poll jobs from the server and
         * executes the corresponding GearmanFunction
        GearmanWorker worker = gearman.createGearmanWorker();
         *  Tell the worker how to perform the echo function
        worker.addFunction(EchoWorker.ECHO_FUNCTION_NAME, new EchoWorker());
         *  Tell the worker that it may communicate with the this job server
        boolean success = worker.addServer(server);

    public byte[] work(String function, byte[] data,
                       GearmanFunctionCallback callback) throws Exception {

         * The work method performs the gearman function. In this case, the echo
         * function simply returns the data it received

        System.out.println(new String(data));

        System.out.println("begin work");

        callback.sendData("some data".getBytes());

        System.out.println("end work");

        return "job result".getBytes();


         * Create a Gearman instance
        Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();
         * Create a new gearman client.
         * The client is used to submit requests the job server.
        GearmanClient client = gearman.createGearmanClient();
         * Create the job server object. This call creates an object represents
         * a remote job server.
         * Parameter 1: the host address of the job server.
         * Parameter 2: the port number the job server is listening on.
         * A job server receives jobs from clients and distributes them to
         * registered workers.
        GearmanServer server = gearman.createGearmanServer(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_HOST, EchoWorker.ECHO_PORT);
         * Tell the client that it may connect to this server when submitting
         * jobs.
         * Submit a job to a job server.
         * Parameter 1: the gearman function name
         * Parameter 2: the data passed to the server and worker
         * The GearmanJobReturn is used to poll the job's result
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        json.put("name", "admin");
        GearmanJobReturn jobReturn = client.submitBackgroundJob(
         * Iterate through the job events until we hit the end-of-file
        byte[] jobHandle = null;
        while (!jobReturn.isEOF()) {
            // Poll the next job event (blocking operation)
            GearmanJobEvent event = jobReturn.poll();
            switch (event.getEventType()) {
                case GEARMAN_SUBMIT_SUCCESS:
                    jobHandle = event.getData();
                // failure
                case GEARMAN_SUBMIT_FAIL: // The job submit operation failed
                case GEARMAN_JOB_FAIL: // The job's execution failed
                    System.err.println(event.getEventType() + ": "
                            + new String(event.getData()));
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            GearmanJobStatus status = client.getStatus(jobHandle);
            System.out.println(String.format("known: %b, running: %b, denominator: %d, numerator: %d", status.isKnown(), status.isRunning(), status.getDenominator(), status.getNumerator()));
         * Close the gearman service after it's no longer needed. (closes all
         * sub-services, such as the client)
         * It's suggested that you reuse Gearman and GearmanClient instances
         * rather recreating and closing new ones between submissions
    public static void main(String... args) {
    public static void registWorker(){
         * Create a Gearman instance
        Gearman gearman = Gearman.createGearman();

         * Create the job server object. This call creates an object represents
         * a remote job server.
         * Parameter 1: the host address of the job server.
         * Parameter 2: the port number the job server is listening on.
         * A job server receives jobs from clients and distributes them to
         * registered workers.
        GearmanServer server = gearman.createGearmanServer(
                EchoWorker.ECHO_HOST, EchoWorker.ECHO_PORT);
         * Create a gearman worker. The worker poll jobs from the server and
         * executes the corresponding GearmanFunction
        GearmanWorker worker = gearman.createGearmanWorker();
         *  Tell the worker how to perform the echo function
        worker.addFunction(EchoWorker.ECHO_FUNCTION_NAME, new EchoWorker());
         *  Tell the worker that it may communicate with the this job server
        boolean success = worker.addServer(server);
    public byte[] work(String function, byte[] data,
                       GearmanFunctionCallback callback) throws Exception {

         * The work method performs the gearman function. In this case, the echo
         * function simply returns the data it received
        System.out.println(new String(data));
        System.out.println("begin work");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            callback.sendStatus(i, i);
        System.out.println("end work");
        return null;
